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Early Literacy

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Would you please answer some questions in this survey about helping children in Oregon develop reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills?

In 2023 the Oregon Legislature passed a bill called the Early Literacy Success Initiative. This bill directs the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) to help community groups and families support young children develop reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. This is to take place both in the community and at home. ODE is partnering with Oregon’s Kitchen Table to hear from people across the state about this topic.

Your input will help ODE create a set of tools for community groups and families. By filling out this survey, you can help make sure that these tools are helpful for communities.

We will also hold discussions and other events across the state to gather more input from community groups.

Please fill out this survey if you live in Oregon. You can fill it out through April 11, 2024.